Which beard Color Is Right For Me?

Blackbeard For Men Black   Blackbeard For Men Brownblack  Blackbeard For Men Brown/Auburn  Blackbeard For Men Dark Brown Blackbeard for Men Light / Medium Brown 


There are currently four different shades of Blackbeard for Men instant, brush on beard color. Here be some tips to help ye decide the best color fer ye.

And remember, lads, if ye be happy with yer beard dye or mustache dye, ye can still use Blackbeard for Men to touch up yer roots and extend the time between dye jobs.

Blackbeard for Men Black is a jet black cosmetic color. It has no other colors in it, so it is best suited for men with true black facial hair. It's a matte color, which means it doesn't have much sheen to it, so it should blend naturally with yer mustache, beard and sideburns. Ye can also use a tissue to dull the color if ye find it's too intense, or to leave some gray for a salt and pepper effect.

Blackbeard for Men Brownblack is our darkest brown. This is a great option for men with very dark brown hair which looks black at times, but in the light ye can see that it's actually got some brown in it. Just like the black shade, Blackbeard for Men Brownblack can be somewhat lightened, softened or blended by wiping it away with a facial tissue if need be.

Blackbeard for Men Dark Brown is our most popular shade, and that's because it is versatile. Apply heavily straight from the bottle, and it's a rich, robust dark brown, almost, but not quite, as dark as our Brownblack. Or use a lighter touch -- wipe off most of the product on the lip of the bottle -- and it can look several shades lighter. And Blackbeard for Men dark brown beard color can be lightened further still by wiping it down with a tissue. In this way, our Dark Brown also makes an excellent Medium Brown.

Blackbeard for Men Brown/Auburn shade is for men with a light to medium brown mustache, beard and sideburns with a hint of red. Use it direct from the bottle for a lustrous medium brown with auburn highlights,. Or apply very lightly using a "dry brush" technique for more of a light reddish brown or ginger look. Even pirates with full-on red hair can use our Brown/Auburn instant, brush on beard color. Just apply lightly, then wipe it away with a tissue until it blends with your own natural coloring.

Blackbeard for Men Light/Medium Brown is our new color and the shade is for men with a light to medium brown mustache, beard and sideburns. Just apply lightly, then wipe it away with a tissue until it blends with your own natural coloring. Even pirates with light hair can use our Light/Medium Brown instant, brush on beard color.

 With Blackbeard for Men, ye will look younger in seconds!

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